What is ISNA?
The “International Snoezelen Association “ (ISNA) was founded in 2002 by Ad Verheul and Prof. Dr. Krista Mertens. But the idea to work together to research the effects of Snoezelen and to underpin its effects scientifically started much earlier.
ISNAs aims are, to name but a few, the cooperation amongst national and international representatives, the publication of specialist literature on the internet, in magazines and books, establishing an education and training network, developing methods and contents in various application fields, researching the effects of Snoezelen on hyperactive behaviour, promoting body awareness and wellbeing, rest and relaxation etc.
By now ISNA has more than 100 payer-members from 39 different countries (the most are from Germany) who are actively pursuing the propagation of the concept, of accurate information and training opportunities.
The ISNA - information flyer is available as PDF-download H E R E
The flags of the international members: